Plus: A podcast on redefining technology, a blogs on on overriding Spring Boot properties & overview of test slices. Also, a webinar recording on Reinforcement learning.

Upcoming presentations

Diffblue are delighted to attending Devoxx Belgium in October. Andy Piper, Diffblue’s VP of Engineering, will address the audience twice... talking about Agile Agency and how AI can improve your life.

Talk details
Podcast: Redefining Technology With Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
In this ITSP Magazine podcast Mathew Lodge, Diffblue CEO, discusses one of the biggest challenges firms face today.
Listen now
Blog: Guide to Overriding Spring Boot Properties for Testing
Spring Boot simplifies developers’ lives by making overriding properties easy. Diffblue's Peter Schrammel explores how to do so in unit and integration tests.
Read the Post
Using Reinforcement Learning to Write Java Unit Tests
Diffblue’s CEO Mathew Lodge explains how AI can use reinforcement learning to do a probabilistic search of potential solutions when the search space is polynomial.
Watch the Recording
Blog: Spring Boot Test Slices: Overview and Usage
Spring Boot offers great support for testing different slices (web, database, etc.) of your application. Java testing expert Philip Riecks looks at the options.
Read the Post
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